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Why you should use tile spacers when tiling

Why you should use tile spacers when tiling

Using tile spacers gives you a perfect tiling finish. Although tiling spacers are tiny pieces of plastic, they ensure your tiles have adequate spacing and symmetry, which saves you from extra work on your backsplash or floors. These tiny devices resemble plus-symbols and come in sizes from 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch. Installing these spacers is simple but very important to ensure a quality finish. Apart from the aesthetic purpose, tile spacers provide an extra layer of protection.

As you pick ceramic tile spacers size, you have to consider your grout width. This guide will teach you what tile spacers are and why they’re important. 

Why are tile spacers important?

As aforementioned, tile spacers are tiny plastic objects that come usually in a cross shape. They are available in various shapes and from several brands like RUBI, RAIMONDI and RUSSO. These spacers are important in maintaining the consistent space between tiles during installation. As a result, you get an even finish during the plastering of the tiles. The spacers are placed at all four corners of the tile as you lay them down before pushing the tiles together. They are then removed after installation and before grout installation.

5 reasons to use tile spacers:

These tile spacers are important, and here is why:

1. Tile Spacers Can Be Used on Various Grout Widths

Spacing your tiles manually is very difficult, especially if you’re designing a tile rug or a complicated mosaic-like pattern. This is because you’ll need several grout widths. Thankfully, by using several sizes of grout spacers, you’ll be able to design any tile pattern, enhancing the beauty of the finished product.

2. It gives you a Straight and Even Finish

Failure to use tile spacers can lead to a crooked final product. Using the spacers ensures that the tile finish is straight and even by nestling into each tile’s corner.

3. They Make Tile Installation Easier

These spacers come in handy when laying out the tiles for a complete plan. By laying them down together with the tiles, you’ll be able to determine what gap size is needed between each tile. Therefore, you can easily measure the tiles, label and cut them before starting installation.

4. Offers Durability and Protection of Tile Flooring

Using tile spacers ensures you use each tile with an adequate amount of product. These spacers will help you keep the flooring level. Remember, even tiles are prone to expand over time, and if they stay too close, they might get damaged. They can also get dislodged or chipped, requiring maintenance, which is an added expense. The good news is that installing porcelain tile spacers ensures the tiles are secure and durable.

5. Tile Spacers Save on Time

Since using tile spacers gives you an idea of the finished product, you’ll get to complete the process faster and more efficiently. You won’t have to manually measure each gap in the grout or worry about uneven flooring. Just lay down the spacers and tiles to get the perfect flooring.

Conclusion: Do You Need Spacers for Tile Installation?

As you’ve read in this guide, spacers are very important as they play several roles. For the job to be done perfectly, get the best floor tile spacers. With that in place, you’ll get a perfect finish to your tiles that’s straight and even.

Where to Get the Best Tile Spacers

To buy tools online, visit The Tool Locker. This US eCommerce brand sells various building tools, including the recommended floor tile spacing materials. It’s an unconventional retailer for builders, offering different products, including a wide range of spacers for tiles.

You can visit the website to place your order or inquire about information concerning the spacers. The knowledgeable team is responsive and offers the right tools for you. So, for all your tile spacers or any tiling tool, contact The Tool Locker now!


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