Montolit Flash Line Revolution 3 Thin Panel Tile Cutter
- 3 incision wheels (8/12/20 mm) included in scoring head to cut any kind of porcelain, ceramic and glass without any hesitation
- Patented non-slip system without suction cups
- Quick elastic connection
- “No limit” extendable rail system
- 3WD revolution titanium wheels selection system for easy and immediate scoring
- Maximum cutting length: 134" (340 cm)
- Made in Italy
Montolit FL3 Flash Line Revolution 3 thin panel porcelain tile cutter features 3 incision wheels in the scoring head of the cutter to cut any kind of gres porcelain, ceramic and glass without any hesitation. Choose the best wheel in relation to the material/density/texture in order to guarantee accurate cuts with a better finish.