Bartell Global Catalytic Muffler Ultra Low Emissions (ULE) Exhaust Systems
- GESi® uses a proprietary advanced emission reduction system called Dry Selective Catalyst™ (DSC)™ that reduces up to 99% of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from any commercial fuel burning engine
- Can be installed on any rotary, spark or compression engine running on gasoline, propane, natural gas, diesel and bio-diesel to reduce up to 99% of toxic greenhouse and smog related emissions
- Tested and certified using CARB and EPA testing standards
The converter uses two different types of catalysts, a reduction catalyst and an oxidation catalyst. In the first stage, the reduction catalyst uses precious metal coating technology to reduce the nitrogen oxide emissions. When these molecules come in contact with the catalyst, the catalyst rips the nitrogen atom out of the molecule and holds on to it, freeing the oxygen in the form of O2. The nitrogen atoms bond with other nitrogen atoms that are also stuck to the catalyst, forming N2. During the second stage, the converters reduce the unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by burning them over a platinum and palladium catalyst. This catalyst helps the reaction of the CO and hydrocarbons with the remaining oxygen in the exhaust gas.
The (DSC)™ technology effectively reduces the main components of greenhouse and smog producing gases. It is well known how detrimental the effects of carbon monoxide are when operators are exposed to this toxic has for extended periods of time. So anything that can be done to reduce the carbon monoxide is good for the user.
The effect that emissions have on brand new concrete, is a little less known by the user. Carbonation is the result of the combination of the emitted gases with the moisture on the surface of the concrete. The reaction of the two produces carbonic acid which combines with the hydrated lime resulting from the hydration of the cement to form weak calcium carbonate. Carbonation results in a weak, sometimes up to 1/4″ thick, surface layer on the new concrete slab. The carbonation of fresh concrete is a problem that is often ignored. The severe dusting that results can lead to excessive wear or adhesion problem for floor coverings.